Product Images

Product Images

Product Images

This section lets you upload images for your products.   You can upload an image from a file on your computer, or a public google drive or drop box link.  
If you do not upload an image for your product, it will use the product default image.  You can learn how to set your default product image here. 

Local Upload

1.  Press on the button "Choose File" and locate the image file on your computer
2.  Enter "Alt" information, which is text shown to users who have images turned off.   It should describe the image.  Mandatory for success. 

URL Upload

1.  Enter a public URL from Google Drive or Drop Box.   It cannot be a private link, it needs to be public or it won't work. 
2.  Enter "Alt" information, which is text shown to users who have images turned off.   It should describe the image.  Mandatory for success. 

Variant Image Upload

Each variant requires a image.  You can use the same image for each variant if you do not have separate images, but the same image needs to be uploaded for each variant you want to use it for.  
To select the variant, use the drop drop box.  

Image List

The images which are successfully uploaded will appear in the image list.  

Default Image -  if you upload more than one image for a product, you can set the default image which will appear first when searching and viewing products.  
Image Preview -  A thumbnail preview of the image
Position -  Change the position of the image in the image list.  
Status -  The status of the image.  
Dimensions -   the width and height of the image
Image Weight -  the weight of the image in kb
Image Type -  The file format of the image
Alt - view and edit alt information
Action -  You can click on the red delete button to remove the image
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